Logótipo Próximo Futuro

"To Teach and To Learn. Places of Knowledge in Art"

"Avanza el pro­cesso de La Casa Blanda: Cos­tu­reras, es­tu­di­antes de la Uni­ver­sidad de An­ti­o­quia, y los mi­em­bros del Flo­a­ting Lab y Pro­vi­sions Li­brary si­guen tra­ba­jando en los úl­timos de­talles de la ins­ta­la­ción"

En­cu­entro In­ter­na­ci­onal de Me­dellín (MDE11)

The focal point of the En­cu­entro In­ter­na­ci­onal de Me­dellín (MDE11) cen­ters on the dif­fe­rent ways of sha­ping and cre­a­ting kno­wledge within art, while also rai­sing ques­tions on the li­mits and chal­lenges of pe­da­go­gical ex­pe­ri­men­ta­tion in ins­ti­tu­ti­onal, ar­tistic and com­mu­nity prac­tice. MDE11 aims to bring to the fore the ten­sion between re­gu­lated, ins­ti­tu­ti­onal and aca­demic kno­wledge and more ex­pe­ri­mental forms of kno­wledge based on col­lec­tive, com­mu­nity and self-ma­naged prac­tices. These he­te­ro­ge­neous ap­pro­a­ches con­nect players and re­sources in the art cir­cuit with pro­jects and ex­pe­ri­ments that go beyond that cir­cuit and have re­so­nance in other con­texts.

Aware that the art ex­pe­ri­ence always ope­rates in the ter­rain of the unk­nown and is sub­ject to ex­pe­ri­men­ta­tion, doubt and in­deed am­bi­guity, MDE11 pro­poses an on­going, open di­a­logue with art prac­tices, re­se­arch within and out­side the con­fines of aca­demia, and com­mu­nity stra­te­gies and pe­da­go­gies that are cri­tical of vi­sual arts that pro­vide al­ter­na­tives to ar­tistic en­vi­ron­ments and tra­di­ti­onal le­ar­ning pro­cesses.
Based on an ini­tial pro­posal put forward by José Roca, the cu­ra­to­rial team made up of Nuria En­guita Mayo, Eva Grins­tein, Bill Kelley Jr. and Con­rado Uribe, has struc­tured the con­cept of MDE11 around three focal points: La­bo­ra­tory, Studio, and Exhi­bi­tion, which in turn are sub­di­vided into va­rious "areas of ac­ti­va­tion". The emphasis is on pro­cess-based, col­la­bo­ra­tive work aimed at pro­po­sing is­sues and pos­sible forms of pro­du­cing kno­wledge th­rough art prac­tices by va­rious authors, com­mu­ni­ties, col­lec­tives and stu­dents both from Me­dellín and el­sewhere. This ap­proach stems from wor­king metho­do­lo­gies fo­cused on pro­cesses de­signed to shed light on mat­ters that have been passed over, hidden or not stu­died by tra­di­ti­onal dis­ci­plines, i.e., on forms of or­ga­ni­zing in­for­ma­tion that can lead to new ways of vi­ewing and un­ders­tan­ding our sur­roun­dings.
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