IJGBs (I Just Got Back) - uma nova "classe"
Publicado6 Set 2013

Sunday Alamba/AP
Os confrontos e contradições da diáspora nigeriana num artigo da jovem escritora Chibundu Onuzo no The Guardian.Os discursos coloniais, o desajuste à realidade e a desintegração, marcam este regresso dos jovens educados no estrangeiro e que são designados por IJGBs
"When IJGBs arrive on African soil, many come with a set of Victorian-era assumptions. The natives are backward. By natives I mean those who have not lived or worked or studied abroad. The native, with his questionable degree from a rundown local university, does not have the skills needed for a modern business world. Thus the best jobs should go to the IJGBs. They have not flown south and crossed the Atlantic to be clerks and graduate trainees. They are here to be district officers and bank managers and live in the best sequestered accommodation."
Todo o artigo pode ser lido aqui