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Thabiso Sekgala

Publicado7 Ago 2014

© Thabiso Sekgala. Gokitima Gophala ke kgosepela, Bulawayo, 2013

Distance and Desire foi a primeira colectiva em que participou, uma exposição em que o legado da fotografia africana entre 1860 e 1930 dialogava com trabalhos contemporâneos. Em 2014, em Cape Town, mostrou imagens suas produzidas na Alemanha, Turquia, Jordânia e Zimbabué, na Goodman Gallery, na Cidade do Cabo, na exposição individual Running. O artista sul-africano, nascido em 1981, debruça-se sobretudo sobre a relação entre a geografia e a identidade social e as suas imagens caracterizam-se por apurado sentido geométrico e composicional. 

The idea of place relates to identity and history. I photograph mostly young people who were born after 1994; we call them “born free.” The idea of photographing young people was about trying to see ordinary people in those places as icons. I Iike finding juxtapositions with the land and people who grew up without the baggage of Apartheid. In South Africa, we were divided geographically, even as people who are of the same origin. For example, my mother was born and grew up in Johannesburg. She lived there her whole life. But when she speaks about home, she refers the homelands (the rural areas) where her parents come from. The old regime created the system that makes Johannesburg seem like it’s not a home, even if you were born there. The idea of home is very complex, and changes depending on who you are and where you come from.

Pode ler mais sobre o percurso e os projectos de Thabiso Sekgala aqui