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As mulheres na Praça Tahir e em outras revoluções

Publicado20 Fev 2013

Etiquetas literatura egipto Praça Tahir

Não foi apenas na Praça Tahir, há dois anos atrás, que o papel das mulheres se fez notar. São 100 anos de acção revolucionária feminina que Tahia Abdel Nasser analisa a partir dan perspectiva da literatura.

"Arabic literature has memorialised women’s involvement in revolutions that convulsed Egypt from 1919. In her famous 1960 novel Al-Bab Al-Maftuh (The Open Door), the Egyptian writer and political activist Latifa Al-Zayyat addresses women’s involvement in the national struggle throughout the 1950s, after the 1952 revolution, the evacuation of British forces, and the start of the resistance to the Tripartite Aggression by Israel, France, and Britain on Egypt in 1956."

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