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Revistas africanas de cultura visual dos anos 60

Publicado6 Nov 2014

Criado em 2007, como uma organização sem fins lucrativos, o Centre for Contemporary Art, em Lagos, na Nigéria, pretende ser uma plataforma para o desenvolvimento, apresentação e discussão da cultura e artes visuais contemporâneas, com mais de 7000 livros, revistas, videos e outros objectos. Entre eles, colecções importantes, descontinuadas, de publicações periódicas relevantes dos anos 60.

Nigeria Magazine

At CCA, Lagos our primary emphasis is on materials published in Nigeria and Africa, so we are really privileged to have this rich collection of Nigeria Magazines that are no longer in circulation. It is a quarterly publication, particularly important because it was written and published just after the Nigerian independence when the country was learning to take hold of its own reins, and, as stated by the magazine, it was published “for everyone interested in the country and its people”. The Nigeria Magazine focused on Nigeria’s rich culture – from festivals, art, people and their languages, dance, hairstyles, fashion, religions, architecture, agriculture to the railway system – you name it, it was all featured, representing all parts of the country. The magazine reflects the true Nigerian culture and how it was embraced by the people. The issues available at the CCA, Lagos library span the years between 1964 and 1989.Nigeria Magazine was published by the Cultural Division of the Federal Government of Nigeria and had various editors at different times.

Inside the Library, na Contemporary and