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O impressionante crescimento de África

Africa is now one of the world’s fas­test-growing re­gions

MUCH has been written about the rise of the BRICs and Asia’s im­pres­sive eco­nomic per­for­mance. But an analysis by The Eco­no­mist finds that over the ten years to 2010, six of the world’s ten fas­test-growing eco­no­mies were in sub-Saharan Africa. On IMF fo­re­casts Africa will grab seven of the top ten places over the next five years (our ran­king ex­cludes coun­tries with a po­pu­la­tion of less than 10m as well as Iraq and Afgha­nistan, which could both re­bound strongly in the years ahead). Over the past de­cade the simple unweighted ave­rage of coun­tries’ growth rates was vir­tu­ally iden­tical in Africa and Asia. Over the next five years Africa is li­kely to take the lead. In other words, the ave­rage African eco­nomy will out­pace its Asian coun­ter­part.