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O filme "White Shadow" analisado no site Africa is a Country

Publicado11 Abr 2015

Etiquetas Cinema; Albinos Tanzânia; White Shadows

Imagem: Still do filme White Shadow, créditos de Noaz Deshe

O filme White Shadow (2013), realizado por Noaz Deshe e produzido por Ryan Gosling, conta a história de um rapaz albino perseguido na Tanzânia por aqueles que acreditam nos poderes curativos de partes do seu corpo, num dos paises africanos com uma taxa mais elevada de albinos.

White Shadow explores, to varying degrees, themes of traditional medicine, mental health, religion, poverty, urbanization, and dehumanization, highlighting the power of belief systems in driving social reactions to these phenomena. The film leaves one plagued with question after unanswerable question.

White Shadow is immensely difficult to watch. I had to watch the film in two sittings because of the sheer assault on my senses, my nerves, my conscience. My husband abandoned me for the second half and said while the film is beautifully made, he could not confront its inevitable conclusion. I, on the other hand, was captivated by its glorious imagery, its blunt truths, and its protagonist, Alias –particularly his endearing navigation of pubescent life under unimaginably strenuous circumstances. Ultimately, however, my husband was right – the film’s conclusion, whatever it may be, cannot provide respite. Albino killings continue to happen as you read this.

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