Logótipo Próximo Futuro


Publicado13 Ago 2014

Framed é um documentário realizado por Cassandra Herman e Catherine Matters, sobre a representação do continente africano como vítima, alvo de intervenções humanitárias. Através da visão do escritor queniano Binyavanga Wainaina e da académica sul-africana Zine Magubane, entre outros, este filme questiona a simplificação do olhar ocidental sobre África. 

Recognizing that people want to do good in Africa, the film raises questions about privilege, power and the misrepresentation that arises from the relationship of aid. “Images reach us faster today than ever: through Facebook, Twitter, ‘voluntourism’ dispatches, and branded social causes,” explain the producers. “Our response to the images we see of Africans makes us feel like good, caring people who can make a difference. We want this film to speak to that sincere intention, by taking a second look at the framing of Africa in crisis, and listening to African experiences and perspectives; to explore how our “saving” ultimately undermines the agency and self-determination of Africans, and how we might be complicit in creating the same inequalities we hope to erase.

Pode ler mais no site OkayAfrica.