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Existe um mercado para a arte contemporânea africana (em África)?

Publicado8 Out 2013

Foto: Wura-Natasha Ogunji. (retirada de www.ccalagos.org)

O historiador e curador Jürg Schneider reflecte sobre as mudanças e desenvolvimentos no mercado de arte contemporânea africana nas últimas duas décadas.

In a period of dramatically shifting geopolitics where markets as well as people have to readjust in an accelerated pace to new constellations of players and rules there is a lot of excitement about the changes that Africa is now going through – economically, politically, and not least socially. Here, I will inquire into the extent to which the market for contemporary African art, on the African continent and in the West, has changed and developed since the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Leiam o seu texto Is there a market (in Africa) for contemporary African art?