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"100% Dakar: more than art"

Publicado2 Nov 2014

Dakar foi o palco de um dos primeiros festivais de arte pós-independências, o World Festival of Negro Arts, em 1966, e actualmente a Bienal de Dakar - Dak'Art - é um dos mais relevantes acontecimentos de arte contemporânea do continente. Uma cidade fervilhante, onde artistas de todo o país e de vários países do mundo encontram terreno para a criação: este é o tema do documentário de Sandra Krampelhuber, que inclui entrevistas a artistas de variadas áreas. 

The artists featured also clearly see their role as change-makers in their society with the goal of leaving the world a little better for the next generation. Veteran rapper Didier Awadi notes, “The city offers artists the freedom to create, critique, and comment on anything,” thereby allowing artists to become cultural activists with more of an impact than politicians. Another rapper, PPS The Writah, drives this point home when he says, “I’m a cultural soldier who wants to change things.”

The film allows the audience to hear from the various artists themselves through a series of interviews. Yet, the viewer is brought directly into the center of Dakar’s contemporary art world as photography, painting, fashion, graffiti, musical and dance performances, fashion shows, and art exhibits are featured throughout.

At one point, dancer Ben-J claims, “There is a special vibe here. Dakar booms with life.” 

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