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Snapshot: ‘The Break’ (2011) by Nermine Hammam

‘The Break’ (2011) by Nermine Hammam

The Cairo-based artist’s latest work includes pastiches of Egypt’s recent civil unrest

Cairo-based artist Nermine Hammam’s latest work includes pastiches of Egypt’s recent civil unrest, created by combining hand-painted subjects with digitally manipulated photographs. Her monograph Upekkha (2011) – which includes “The Break”, featuring two Egyptian soldiers in Tahrir Square reset against a fantasy landscape – is on show in Cairo: Year One at the Mosaic Rooms, London. Other works on display include Unfolding (2012), a series that blends photographs of police brutality after Egypt’s 2011 revolution with landscapes in classical Japanese style.

Nermine Hammam, a artista egípcia que foi capa do Jornal PRÓXIMO FUTURO de Maio passado, em destaque no "Life & Arts" do Financial Times de 18-19 de Agosto 2012!