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As Confissões Verdadeiras de um Terrorista Albino

Direction: Rogério de Carvalho

World Première (>16)

Reservations: [email protected]

2 Sep 2014 - 21:30 | 3 Sep 2014 - 21:30 | 4 Sep 2014 - 21:30

Teatro do Bairro

Admission 13 €

In the book ‘The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist’ (As Confissões Verdadeiras de um Terrorista Albino), Breyten Breytenbach writes about his prison memories:  an excruciating narrative of his journey through the infernal machine of South Africa’s prison system, in all its horror, unbelievable stories, human figures.

The thoughts of a prisoner who was isolated from any form of contact with the world, who ends up doubting the reality of what he is living. A text that is both a dramatic account and a work of great poetics.

«How to deliver this text by Breytenbach? How to manifest the poetics carried by the book? What kind of dramatic reality can be contructed? Exclamative (tragedy)? Narrative? Affirmative? The question of Theatre as Art has always been about finding the fair means to say and translate what we live: what takes place can’t be told with our daily language – it’s necessary to find other word modalities to tell what happens to us collectively. This is the fundamental reason for choosing ‘The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist’ by Breyten Breytenbach.»

          Rogério de Carvalho

Text: Breyten Breytenbach
Adaptation: Rogério de Carvalho
Director: Rogério de Carvalho
Cast: Ana Rosa Mendes, Daniel Martinho, Giovanni Lourenço, Maria Duarte, Matamba Joaquim, Miguel Eloy, Zia Soares
Light designer: Jorge Ribeiro
Props: Rosário Moreira
Grafic designer: Sílvio Rosado
Photographer: Sofia Berberan
Production: Teatro GRIOT e Programa Gulbenkian Próximo Futuro