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Call for Papers: Intergenerational relations amongst African migrants in Europe

call for papers


Tatiana Ferreira (ICS-UL/ISCTE-IUL) [email protected]

Marzia Grassi (ICS-UL) [email protected]

The aim of this panel is to discuss the impact of migration experience across generations and how family's intergenerational relationships are reconfigured in a post-migratory context. This panel welcomes all researchers working on intra and inter-generational relations within migrant families.

The migration experience has an impact in the transmission of family practices across generations. The intergenerational relationships are stretched and reshaped and family life is reconstructed in a new socio-cultural setting. Several questions concerning for example communication, authority, gender roles, cultural practices are reconfigured and rearranged in the post-migration context. It is also important, in a transnational perspective to take into account the links (and how they are transmitted) to families in the country of origin and the role, for example, of the older generations and the care networks.

The aim of this panel is to reflect the importance in adopting an intergenerational frame in the migration studies. Migration experience can be very different from one generation to another and this can cause generational differences that are significant and must be acknowledge. The panel also aims to contribute to the discussion of the methodological strategies adopted in the intergenerational studies. For example, the importance of the comparative approach of two or more generations within the family with recourse to different methods of data collection, the use of mixed methods or the importance of the longitudinal studies in the understanding of the impact of migration across generations.

This panel welcomes all researchers working on intra and inter-generational relations within migrant families. Papers addressing impact of migration experience in intra and inter relationships in a gender perspective; conflicts, life transitions, care networks, social mobility and legal status reproduction across generations are welcome.

Abstract submission

Proposals should consist of a paper title, a (very) short abstract of less than 300 characters, and an abstract of 250 words. Proposals can be written in English or Portuguese.

All proposals must be made via the bespoke on-line facility that ECAS2013 is using to handle all proposals.


Proposals should not be sent by email

16th January 2013 – Final date for submission of abstracts

1st February and then 1st March (second round) - Notification of accepted papers

ecas 2013

Novo número dos Cadernos de Estudos Africanos já disponível!

cadernos de estudos africanos

Dividido em duas secções – Artigos e Recensões – este número 23 da revista Cadernos de Estudos Africanos inclui artigos centrados não só em países africanos mas também em países onde a influência e a presença de africanos se faz sentir (Brasil e Portugal); artigos que abordam questões culturais, sociais, económicas e políticas; artigos centrados apenas em países específicos (Moçambique e Camarões) e artigos que abordam relações entre vários países e continentes; artigos produzidos por autores sedeados na Europa (Portugal), África (Camarões) e América do Sul (Brasil); e artigos escritos em língua portuguesa e inglesa por cientistas em pleno desenvolvimento da sua carreira e por outros que ainda estão em fase de conclusão dos seus doutoramentos.

Para ler todos os artigos que integram este novo número basta clicar aqui.

"Crossing African Borders: Migration and Mobility"

Fifth Annual Conference of the African Borderlands Research Network ABORNE

"Crossing African Borders: Migration and Mobility", ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon

(21-23 September 2011)

Focusing on the role of African borders in migratory movements, the Conference will address several topics and discuss the importance and role of borders to the circulation and identity building, the implications of border management and the strategies of populations for migration and border crossing. Panels will analyze current changes and their historical roots; discuss the mutual implications of cross-border circulation, migration and identities; present empirical evidence of transformations taking place; contribute to the theoretical debate and methodological approach of borderland studies in Africa.

"Traders and Borders in the Sierra Leone-Guinea Region, 19th and 20th Centuries: Comparative and Theoretical Implications"
Allen M. Howard | Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Van Dyck Hall, Rutgers University

  • Panel 1 - Methodologies for studying cross-border movements

  • Panel 2 - Rethinking hierarchies of borders and border crossings?

  • Panel 3 -The building of African territorial borders: the impact of pre-colonial and colonial migration on contemporary Africa

  • Panel 4 - Forced migration and the role of borders

  • Panel 5 - Border crossings and economic circulation: trade, smuggling, labour

  • Panel 6 - Border regimes and migrant practices: citizenship, belonging and the making of migrant subjectivities

  • Panel 7 - Partitioned Africans

Documentary film screenings:
"Kalahari Struggle: Southern Africa’s San under Pressure" (53 min.) by Manuela Zips-Mairitsch and Werner Zips
 - " 'We have come full circle': The forced migration of Angolan !Xun and Namibian Khwe to Platfontein, South Africa" by Manuela Zips-Mairitsch and Werner Zips
 - "Border Farm" (32 min), by Thenijwe Niki Nkosi
- "Esta Fronteira Não Existe" (41min), Perfectview