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"The Mersault Investigation", de Kamel Daoud, convidado do Próximo Futuro no Verão

Kamel Daoud, jornalista e escritor, é o autor do romance The Mersault Investigation, publicado na Argélia em 2013 e em França no ano seguinte. Distinguido com o Prix des Escales Littéraires d’Alger 2014, Prix des Cinq Continents de la Francophonie 2014, Prix François Mauriac 2014 e finalista do Prix Goncourt 2014, o livro esboça-se em forma de resposta a O Estrangeiro de Albert Camus, a partir da personagem do irmão do jovem árabe assassinado pelo anti-herói de Camus.

Kamel Dadoud estará em Lisboa, no Verão, no Próximo Futuro.

My basic idea was to start with Albert Camus’s “The Stranger,” to question the work, but to move on from there—to question my own presence in the world, my present and today’s reality. It was also a matter of analyzing Camus’s work, of “rereading” it, of having it reread by an Algerian and by contemporary readers. Camus still provokes polemics in Algeria. I wanted to pay tribute to his work and his thinking, but also to provide another version of the story. “The Stranger” is Camus’s character, but also a symbol of the philosophical and human condition. It was valid in 1942, the year the novel was published, and it’s still valid today. I wanted to take another look at that strangeness. I’m not responding to Camus—I’m finding my own path through Camus.

A entrevista completa, na New Yorker