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As eleições de amanhã

Chioniso Maraire, importante cantora zimbabueana de 37 anos, faleceu esta semana e já não verá o futuro governo do seu país. Ficam-nos as suas canções e a denúncia social que as suas letras retratam.

O Zimbabué vai a votos amanhã. Esta é uma eleição que se deve acompanhar, percebendo o que foram os últimos cinco anos de goevernação partilhada e que papel têm os zimbabueanos e a comunidade internacional a desempenhar. 

"If the country was divided before the power-sharing agreement, it is no less divided five years later. Credibility of elections has decreased among voters, while distrust between parties and even within parties has increased. The aim of power sharing in Zimbabwe was to end post-election violence. However, despite short-term gains the inclusive government has revealed the down-side of coerced coalition. 

The 2008 violence has generated new uncertainties for 2013. The two parties dominating the contest are as bitter rivals now as they were in 2008 and may have developed an even greater intolerance for each other. "

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