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THE SHOW "Uma História à Margem" WAS CANCELED


5 Jul 2013 - 23:30

São Luiz Teatro Municipal (Jardim de Inverno)

Admission 7 €

Author and performance: Ricardo Chacal (Brazil)


“A Marginal Story” is a theatrical monologue that follows the story of Chacal and offers us a tasty and intimate record of the cultural effervescence of the last 40 years in Rio de Janeiro. Using memory as its guiding thread, the performance develops into a scenic experience that flits between the personal and the collective, fiction and reality, theatre and documentary. His approach is neither formalistic nor academic: it is not the vision of a journalist, historian or essayist, but the vision of a poet. His originality lies in the fact that, for the protagonist, with his poetic words and irreverent presence, he chooses an artist who has always lived ‘in the eye of the hurricane’.

Uma história à margem


A poet, writer, performer and cultural producer. In a career spanning 41 years, Ricardo de Carvalho Duarte has participated in eight anthologies and has already published14 books. In 2008, he was awarded a prize by APCA for “Belverdere” (Cosacnaify and 7 Letras). He has been an editor and collaborator in various media and a scriptwriter for TV Globo and TV Educativa. He has formed musical partnerships with famous names from MPB and Rock. In the theatre, he worked as an author on the plays “AQUELA Coisa Toda”, by the group Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone, “Alguns Anos Luz Além”, by the group Lua me dá Colo, “Recordações do Futuro”, by the group Manhas & Manias, and “Tontas Coisas”, directed by Jaqueline Lawrence. He acted in “Café Satie”, directed by Stela Miranda, and in the show “A vida é curta pra ser pequena”, based on his own book of poems with the same name.