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Cia. dos Atores


4 Jul 2012 - 19:00 | 5 Jul 2012 - 19:00 | 6 Jul 2012 - 19:00

Teatro do Bairro

Admission 15 €

After being tortured in an arid and inhospitable environment, Bait Man (Marcelo Olinto) begins a narrative and thus gives shape to his thoughts.

In a state of constant alert, pressured not knowing by what or by whom, Bait Man builds a deep and subtle analysis of contemporary man, with his fears, hopes and ambitions. A dangerous game is presented, creating a friction between reality and the imaginary. The world in ideological collapse, at the abyss, is the material of which Bait Man uses to play with humor and tension, causing a reflection where humanity walks by. A mysterious puzzle is presented with vigor, engaging all in a discrete web of information. The spectator is invited to participate in this puzzle game, where every action involves all the senses. Gerald Thomas (Rio de Janeiro), director and playwright, known for his bold aesthetic and his collaborations with Samuel Beckett and Heiner Müller, explores in "Bait Man" their language and scenic places involving all in the center of the relationship between the oppressor and the overwhelmed, creating a work where the actor is the main joint element of this puzzle game. The meeting of two generations of creators, Gerald Thomas and Marcelo Olinto, developing copyright works within their own companies, is an invitation to challenge, with no safety net. Gerald Thomas wrote and directed "Bait Man" by creating a particular work, where the actor is the main joint element of this game.

CIA.DOS ATORES (Brazil, 1988) is formed by Bel Garcia, Cesar Augusto, Drica Moraes, Enrique Diaz, Gustavo Gasparani, Marcelo Olinto, Marcelo Valle and Susana Ribeiro. The group always has had success with the public and among the critics and during its twenty-four years of existence, they have won all theatre prizes in Brazil such as the Molière, Sharp, Mambembe Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Shell, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, APCA, APTR, Brazil Quality and Grand Prix de la Critique 2005/2006 for the best foreign show of the year with "Ensaio.HAMLET."