Artists Engaged? Maybe
Thursday - Sunday | 10h - 18h
Free admission on Sundays
Closed on Mondays
20 Jun 2014 – 7 Sep 2014
Galeria de Exposições Temporárias – Edifício Sede - Piso 0 e Jardim
Admission 4 €
“We who wished
To lay the foundation of kindness
Could not ourselves be kind.”
Brecht “To Those Born After“ *

The Night of the Long Knives III, 2013
Edition of 5
202 x 157 cm
Cortesy Athi Patra Ruga and Whatiftheworld Gallery
Exhibition presenting international visual arts works departing from the idea of artists’ engagement with the present. In a world of turbulence and programmatic suspension the artists respond with a multiplicity of possibilities. With Works by Athi-Patra Ruga, Berna Reale, Bouchra Khalili, Bruno Boudjelal, Celestino Mondlane, Conrad Botes, Demián Flores, Eduardo Basualdo, Eva Grubinger, Fredy Alzate, Johanna Calle, João Ferro Martins, Luiz Zerbini, Miguel Jara, Paul Edmunds, Pedro Barateiro, Raul Mourão, Sandra Monterroso, Simon Gush, Solon Ribeiro, Wim Botha.
* ”Ach, wir Die wir den Boden bereiten wollten für Freundlichkeit Konnten selber nicht freundlich sein.“