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Zanele Muholi: fotógrafa e activista visual

Published17 Dec 2013

Zanele Muholi ‘Being’, 2007 Triptych (part III) - Imagem retirada do portal C&

Zanele Muholi recebeu recentemente o Prémio Prince Claus. Através do seu trabalho, procura inscrever as identidades das lésbicas sul-africanas na história visual do seu país.

Pamella Dlungwana: You insist on the ‘visual activist’ tag, why?

Zanele Muholi: I can always just be a ‘photographer’ that sounds sexier, as you’ll say, but what is that in relation to my agenda? How does it validate and remind me of my agenda? That instead of being someone who is just taking an image Pam, my friend, I am also highlighting that such women are alive, live and love others and aspire to the same things heterosexual people aspire to while they have the capacity to contribute and actually do contribute to our society as a whole. How does being simply a photographer keep that pertinent? I’m an activist first, being a photographer allows me a greater and more influential audience, I can activate and shift multiple spaces, many of which I would have little access to if I operated differently.

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