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Notícias de Cuba

Pub­lished19 Feb 2013

Tags cuba yoani sánchez bloger

Du­rante vários anos Yoani Sánchez deixou no seu blog Gen­era­cion Y as suas notícias desde Ha­bana. Em 2010 foi con­sid­er­ada pela Re­vista Time como uma das 100 per­son­al­i­dades mais in­flu­entes do mundo. Agora, após 21 re­cusas, Yoani viu au­tor­izada a sua saída do país, com di­re­ito ao re­gresso.

"The first sur­prise in the pro­gram was at Jose Marti air­port in Ha­vana when, af­ter pass­ing through the im­mi­gra­tion booth, sev­eral pas­sen­gers be­gan to ap­proach me and of­fer dis­plays of their sol­i­dar­ity. The af­fec­tion grew as the jour­ney pro­gressed and in Panama I met some very af­fec­tion­ate Venezue­lans as well… al­though they asked me please not to put the pic­tures with them on Face­book… so they won’t have prob­lems in their own coun­try. Af­ter that stage I flew in a larger plane to Brazil with a men­tal and phys­i­cal sense of de­com­pres­sion. As if I had been sub­merged too long with­out be­ing able to breathe and now had man­aged to take a deep breath."

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