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Corpo, imagem e memória: o trabalho de Wura-Natasha Ogunji

Published19 May 2015

Tags Wura-Natasha Ogunji memória corpo

Imagem: Wura-Natasha Ogunji, beauty, 2013. Photo: Soibifaa Dokubo

Wura-Natasha Ogunji é uma artista nigeriana, fotógrafa, performer, professora e antropóloga. Inquieta com a escassez de imagens da negritude a História da fotografia, iniciou uma série de auto-retratos num processo de busca identitária relacionada com a noção de memória e ancestralidade. Em entrevista ao site Contemporary And, a artista fala do seu percurso e obra.

C&: How is the notion of (collective) memory in relation to the body (being physical, social, etc.) important to you?

WNO: Our bodies are such great containers of memory. And our consciousness holds so much information about our histories, even our futures. Scientifically speaking, we’re carrying this genetic material that is millions of years old. These bodies know a lot and tell a lot. I love how performance taps into this information; I love what it pulls out and where it can take us.

C&: We were recently asked by a journalist why we think global art tends more and more to look the same. You can’t look at a work from Nigeria any longer and say, hah!, that’s Nigerian. What do you think about that development?

WNO: To say that global art looks more and more the same is to miss out on the innovative ways in which artists are working today, and it also misses the nuances and specificity of place and experience. I think the more exciting and important questions have to do with the changing ways we create, as well as write about, talk about, curate, teach, and experience art in this historical moment. The range and diversity of art practice today, naturally, moves beyond and across geographic boundaries. Artists have totally expanded the landscape for making and sharing their work, so the language that we use to understand this work must also shift.

A entrevista completa, aqui

Wura-Natasha Ogunji

Published19 May 2013

Tags Wura-Natasha Ogunji CCA Lagos nigéria

© Ema Edosio

A nigeriana Wura-Natasha Ogunji apresentou em Abril, no CCA de Lagos, a peça "Will I still carry water when I'm a dead woman?". O artigo escrito por Wana Udobang uma das intervenientes na performance para ser lido no seu blog.

"As far back as I can remember, I have always been an artist’s guinea pig, whether its being an extra in my friends Claire or Ghandi’s student films or Victor Ehikhamenor’s installation piece for his exhibition ‘Entrances and Exits’, I am always a willing collaborator. This was the reason why when Nigerian/American artist Wura-Natasha Ogunji asked me to be a part of her performance piece titled‘Will I still carry water when I am a dead woman’, I couldn’t refuse. The idea she told me, would be myself and other women, dressed in mini jumpsuits carrying kegs of water strapped to our ankles walking through the inner streets of Sabo, Yaba led by Ogunji herself and documented by videographer  and film maker Ema Edosio. During hangouts with Ogunji, she had explained that she was very interested in using her work to explore women in public space. She had also mentioned her obsession with the Egungun masquerade and her curiosity as to why women were prohibited from the practice.

E sobre a artista nigeriana residente nos EUA podemos saber mais e acompanhar o seu percurso aqui