Residência criativa na Market Photo Workshop
Published21 Apr 2013

Mack Magagane
Estão abertas até 3 de Maio as candidaturas para a Tierney Fellowship na Market Photo Workshop em Johannesburgo. A residência é dirigida a jovens fotógrafos que não tenham realizado nenhuma exposição individual.
"As a school of photography, a gallery, and a project space, the Market Photo Workshop has played a pivotal role in the training of South Africa’s photographers, ensuring that visual literacy reaches neglected and marginalised parts of our society. Since it was founded in 1989 by world-renowned photographer David Goldblatt, the Photo Workshop has been an agent of change and representation, informing photographers, visual artists, educators, students and broader communities of trends, issues and debates in photography and visual culture."
O regulamento para candidaturas está aqui