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A cobertura noticiosa dos ataques do Boko Haram na Nigéria

Published16 Jan 2015

Tags Representação África media extremismo

Na mesma semana do atentado ao Charlie Hebdo, em Paris, 2000 pessoas morreram na sequência de um ataque a civis na Nigéria, assassinadas por um grupo extremista islâmico, o Boko Haram.  De que forma estes dois acontecimentos foram noticiados no mundo ocidental e que razões podem explicar as disparidades de atenção?  escreve sobre o tema no jornal britânico The Guardian:

Reporting in northern Nigeria is notoriously difficult; journalists have been targeted by Boko Haram, and, unlike in Paris, people on the ground are isolated and struggle with access to the internet and other communications. Attacks by Boko Haram have disrupted connections further, meaning that there is an absence of an online community able to share news, photos and video reports of news as it unfolds.

But reports of the massacre were coming through and as the world’s media focused its attention on Paris, some questioned why events in Nigeria were almost ignored.

On Twitter, Max Abrahms, a terrorism analyst, tweeted: “It’s shameful how the 2K people killed in Boko Haram’s biggest massacre gets almost no media coverage.”

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