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Rodagem do novo filme de Miguel Gomes vista pelo New York Times

Published31 Aug 2014

Histórias reais da crise em Portugal e a narrativa infinita de Sherazade: é este o mote do filme 1001 Noites de Miguel Gomes, uma produção que junta jornalistas e argumentistas, de Miguel Gomes, realizador do premiado Tabu,  que parte de notícias recentes para construir episódios ficcionais. 

“I thought maybe that I should make a film with Portuguese stories that are popping up, appearing at this moment,” Mr. Gomes said. “Arabian Nights” is one of the first films to take on the euro crisis. It attempts to hold a mirror, albeit a convex one, to a country struggling with unemployment, emigration and general gloom.


For the movie’s structure, Mr. Gomes turned to “The Arabian Nights,”whose heroine tells stories to her new husband, the king, to delay her death sentence. Despite working with factual material, Mr. Gomes, 42, said he had wanted to transcend the real and create a kind of diversion — a complex, more self-aware kind of fiction.

“The idea is not to give back this kind of reality that we are living in my country, but to recreate it as fiction,” he said. “That’s Scheherazade’s job.”

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