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Retratos de reconciliação

Published8 Apr 2014

Uma sobrevivente e um assassino do genocídio em Rwanda

Deogratias Habyarimana, assassino(à direita) e Cesarie Mukabutera, sobevivente.

Pieter Hugo regressou ao Rwanda no mês passado e fotografou assassinos e sobreviventes que hoje em dia vivem lado a lado.

HABYARIMANA: “When I was still in jail, President Kagame stated that the prisoners who would plead guilty and ask pardon would be released. I was among the first ones to do this. Once I was outside, it was also necessary to ask pardon to the victim. Mother Mukabutera Caesarea could not have known I was involved in the killings of her children, but I told her what happened. When she granted me pardon, all the things in my heart that had made her look at me like a wicked man faded away.”

MUKABUTERA: “Many among us had experienced the evils of war many times, and I was asking myself what I was created for. The internal voice used to tell me, ‘‘It is not fair to avenge your beloved one.’’ It took time, but in the end we realized that we are all Rwandans. The genocide was due to bad governance that set neighbors, brothers and sisters against one another. Now you accept and you forgive. The person you have forgiven becomes a good neighbor. One feels peaceful and thinks well of the future.”

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