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Portraits of Africa, from Colonization to E-Waste

Published18 Feb 2014

Pieter Hugo, "Yakubu Al Hasan, Agbogbloshie Market, Accra, Ghana" from the series "Permanent Error"

O Getty Research Institute apresenta a exposição Connecting Seas: A Visual History of Discoveries and Encounters. Uma das curadoras, Isotta Poggi, reflecte sobre o trabalho dos fotógrafos Pieter Hugo e Richard Moss.

The international media continually report alarming news from the African continent. Often the images in these reports document military and social conflicts and the plight of refugees, frequently women and children, forced to abandon their villages to escape violence. These conflicts may seem remote—confined to forests and deserts from another continent. That’s why the work of two contemporary photographers strikes me for effectively placing African affairs at the center of today’s globalized interconnected world: Richard Mosse and Pieter Hugo. - See more at:

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