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Mimi Cherono, "I am home"

Published12 Feb 2014

Foto de Mimi Cherono

Imagem retirada do portal Africa is a Country

A fotógrafa queniana Mimi Cherono regressou ao seu país natal depois de muitos anos na África do Sul e sentiu-se deslocada. Onde é que fica a casa?

In 2008 she produced a solo exhibition, I am Home, on African immigrants living in South Africa. I am Home is series of black and white portraits where Mimi addressed the sensitivity, subtlety and complexity of life in South Africa as an African, as the other other. The humanistic and sensible approach that characterizes this series is also prevalent in a more personal body of work, a series still untitled, exploring her own relation to places, people and spaces of her native Nairobi. 

Leiam a sua entrevista ao portal Africa is a Country.