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"Fanon documentary confronts fallacies about anti-colonial philosopher"

Published29 Jul 2014

O file Concerning Violence, do realizador sueco Göran Hugo Olsson, é baseado no ensaio homónimo de Frantz Fanon, nome de referência do pensamento anti-colonial. Bhakti Shringarpure, editor-chefe da Revista Warscapes e Professor de Inglês na Universidade de Connecticut, publica a critica no jornal The Guardian. 

In this documentary, Olsson builds layer upon layer of images showing abject poverty, racism, over-worked people, crude guerrilla warfare countering slick European planes, places where natural resources like oil and diamonds are being unearthed with appalling living conditions for workers, and hospitals overflowing with wounded women, children and men.

In so doing, he taps into the primary violence of the coloniser, rather than of the colonised, falling definitively into the camp of thinkers who believe that Fanon was not propagating violence but merely understanding it’s effects and uses.

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