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Black Male Revisited

Published13 Dec 2013

“Black Male Revisited” estreia hoje no Miami Theater Center. O corpo negro masculino tem um lugar central nesta performance / instalação visual de Jaamil Olawale Kosoko, onde o artista de origem nigeriana envolve a sua poesia, música ao vivo, teatro e escultura humana.

An attempt to begin a dialogue about issues of visibility for black male performance and visual artists, using my body, my history, and my work as the focal point to discuss themes of black masculinity from a first-person perspective.However, “Black Male Revisited” isn’t just about visibility. It is also a reminder that I haven’t done enough to include black voices, black artists, black performers, actors and dancers in my coverage of the local art scene. “Black Male Revisited” is a performance piece that reminds me that our ingrained biases are ingrained—conscious or otherwise—and we must be reminded. 

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