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Black Artists in British Art

Published18 Aug 2014

Da autoria de Eddie Chambers, Professor Associado de Arte e História de Arte na Universidade do Texas, em Austin, onde ensina História de África da Diaspora Africana, este livro abrange o período de 1950 até à actualidade, realçando o contributo de artistas africanos para a arte britânica.

Black Artists in British Art represents a timely and important contribution to British art history. Utilising substantial and hitherto little-accessed bodies of archival material, Chambers avoids treating and discussing Black artists as isolated practitioners, wholly separate and disconnected from their counterparts. Neither does he seek to present a rosy and varnished account of Black-British artists. Instead, he explores and reflects on the very real difficulties that have faced Black artists throughout the decades of their practice. Beginning with discussions of the pioneering generation of Black artists such as Ronald Moody, Aubrey Williams and Frank Bowling, who came to London either side of the Second World War, Chambers candidly discusses both the problems and the progress of several generations of artists, including contemporary artists such as Steve McQueen, Chris Ofili and Yinka Shonibare, now numbered amongst the country’s most accomplished practitioners.

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